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A new french friend - Druckversion

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A new french friend - PaulEmile - 06.01.2015


I Paul, farmer in south france, 150 goats, make cheese witch milk and beer

And some Trac and Mog for field work ...:

An MB trac 1000 (1985) more than 15000 h :

[Bild: 1000-rau_imagesia-com_t6cg_large.jpg]

[Bild: p1000731_imagesia-com_t6cn_large.jpg]

Mb trac 800 (1989) 11000h (loader) :

[Bild: p1000330_imagesia-com_t6cp_large.jpg]

UNIMOG 417 :

[Bild: p1010510_imagesia-com_t6cq_large.jpg]

MB trac 1400 turbo (1989) 3500h in restoration :

[Bild: dscn0112_imagesia-com_t6ct_large.jpg]

gerne unter euch sein


sorry my bad english it's school .....

RE: A new french friend - peter.z - 06.01.2015

Hy Paul,

a warm welcome in the only MB-trac forumexclamation Don't worry about your english. If you have questions, don't hessitate to ask. I'm shure, that you will get the help you will need.

And don't forget: pictures are always welcome Wink



RE: A new french friend - Ulli1300 - 06.01.2015

Cher Paul,

bienvenu ici a notre forum. Ton anglais est très bon. Pas de problème. Où habites-tu au sud de la France? Je suis parfois à Montpellier et à Lyon.

Welcome to our community. It is always interesting to have transboundery contacts and to hear about foreign habits, agricultural conditions and of course everything about your special MBtrac passion.

Hope to hear much more from you soon.


RE: A new french friend - Bundi - 07.01.2015

Hi Paul,

Welcome! Nice to have a college with a goatfarmexclamation and a MBtracexclamation Hope to see some more pictures of your goats and MBtracs!



RE: A new french friend - dsm - 07.01.2015

Dear Paul,

welcome in the world of MB trac. Please mark your home in the map (Mitgliederkarte). It's interesting to see, where are MB Tracs working.

With kind regards

RE: A new french friend - Roby - 07.01.2015

Salut Paul,

Bienvenue au Mb Trac-Forum de Hartmut.
N`a pas peur d`ecrire dans ta langue, il y a des membres qui peuves traduire comme tu vois.

J´ai lu avec grand intérêt ton Rapport de la restauration du 1400 sur le site de:

Bonne Chance pour la finitionWink

Bonjour du Luxembourg

RE: A new french friend - PaulEmile - 07.01.2015

Thank everyone for welcome it's strange for us today .....Sad

I m on map now (I m near atlantic on south) Pays Basque
[Bild: 2311263991-1_imagesia-com_t7io_large.jpg]

Of course more pics of farm, goats and tracs later ...

very thanks for welcom

RE: A new french friend - wolli - 07.01.2015

I have added a french language option to the board software.

Just choose French from the language selector at the bottom right corner of every page.

RE: A new french friend - one of a kind - 08.01.2015

Allo Paul

(07.01.2015, 23:11)PaulEmile schrieb:  Thank everyone for welcome it's strange for us today .....Sad

Well, in deed, it is a very sad day, but it could happen in Germany as well as in any other country......

But anyway, vous avez une belle flotte de MB-Trac Cool

Bon chance avec la Trac de plage, it is a beauty........

Où voulez-vous vendre votre fromage ? Quel est le nom du fromage question


RE: A new french friend - -Ch- - 05.03.2015

Salut PaulEmile, bienvenue ici....

J'ai déjà vu tes tracs sur un autre forum...

RE: A new french friend - PaulEmile - 12.03.2015

Right -Ch- I look your forage harvester ....(je reconnais ton ensileuse portée et le 1600)

allo !!! everyone some news !!!

Change moteur (broken) and repair gear box on mb trac 1000


[Bild: ac_imagesia-com_vhul_large.jpg]

[Bild: sychr_imagesia-com_vhun_large.jpg]

[Bild: sychro_imagesia-com_vhuo_large.jpg]

I want to exchange my old OM 352 by my OM 366 (from truc 914):

[Bild: 366-_imagesia-com_vhuj_large.jpg]


[Bild: 366-pl_imagesia-com_vhuk_large.jpg]


[Bild: 366-908_imagesia-com_vhui_large.jpg]

I have to change: - air and exhaust collector
- oil filter (from OM 352)
- oil pan (""")

All are welcome to advices
thanks ...

RE: A new french friend - Roby - 13.03.2015

Salut Paul,

oui,le Carter d'huile,il faut changer, evt.aussi le tube d'aspiration d'huile.

Si tu va utilliser les 140 ch,il se recommande d'installer les gigleurs d'huile pour le refroidissement des Pistons.

Le reservoir d'eau n'as plus de place sur le moteur,ou il faut changer le capot du moteur.

Le Tube d'eau ,sortie du Thermostate.

Connection d'aspiration du compresseur d'air ,il faut raccorder au filtre a air ou au collecteur d'air.

Va tu monter un Turbo question

[Bild: attachment.php?aid=30465]


RE: A new french friend - PaulEmile - 13.03.2015


Thanks , no turbo

I have an radiator from 443 (more large) it interesting to use that??


RE: A new french friend - PaulEmile - 05.12.2016

Hello some news !!!!

[Bild: 479477IMG0517.jpg]

[Bild: 638553IMG0516.jpg]

with is new tires !!


RE: A new french friend - deutzjoe87 - 05.12.2016

Bienvenue dans le forum de l`Mb Trac !

